My Sucky Friend

suction toolI went to the dentist for my yearly checkup, cleaning and x-rays. Going to the dentist is not one of my “top 10” on my fun things to do list (it actually didn’t make the fun list at all. In fact it ended up on the Things-that-need-to-be-done-that-I -don’t-want-to-do list).

There’s the nervousness of the dentist finding something wrong in there- cavities, gingivitis, receding gums, or something horrible I don’t even know about. It’s just such an intrusive process-working inside your mouth.

Not only do I not get excited for the dentist, but this was my first visit to a new dentist in a new location. My dentist that I have known all my life decided he should retire-can you believe it-the nerve! Obviously he did not ask me my opinion on the matter, or he would still be in business (because, who likes change?).

Luckily, the new guy bought out the old guy’s practice and so the dental hygienist  (and the chair I sat in-ironic right?) were from my old dentist’s practice. So, thankfully not everything was new-baby steps.

Now, I like my hygienist. She is great at her job and makes me feel calm and comfortable.  She is understanding of my annoying gag reflex when taking x-rays. Taking x-rays is difficult for me since I still have my wisdom teeth-they are the only ones that grew is straight so they are staying! Ha!

The part I don’t like is that awful suction tool.  I can’t stand having to put my lips around it to get the water out of my mouth. To me it feels awful. The air tastes funny. It feels like it is sucking the water and the air out and I feel like I can’t breath. I swear it is trying to suck my mouth inside-out. I call it “my sucky little friend”. As I have said in an earlier post, humor is my coping mechanism. I must have had quite the look on my face when she grabbed that thing and brought it toward my mouth. She then graciously offered to just go in a suck out the corners and not make me close my mouth on that torture tool. It was so much better! It didn’t bother me at all.

When the dentist came in to examine my teeth for the first time, he decided to tell me a little bit about himself. He told me he has been a dentist for 10 years-wait-what? Only 10 years!?! Who is this guy-Hermey the elf that wanted to be a dentist from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? My other dentist practiced for over 40 years! Then Hermey the new dentist told me that my old dentist was his mentor for the past 7 years.  Ok, so maybe this will be alright.  At least he didn’t say he was a self-taught dentist. The exam went great, he was very thorough and knowledgeable.

Maybe going to the dentist (and a new one at that) won’t be so bad. I sill have my dental hygienist (and chair) and I have a great new dentist. And, I have my sucky little friend waiting for me there.

(by the way, no cavities or horrible things were found in my mouth-yay for me!)

How about you, going to the dentist-yea or nay?