I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. Lately, I feel like my Pinterest account is where ideas go to die. It’s a life sentence for many.
I love looking through all the pins and getting excited over some that I can use, want to do, or I think would be great or that look sooo good to eat (I have 186 food pins and I don’t know how many food likes-most of which are desserts or sweets-so you can see where my priorities lie). I have a total of 1.6k pins and 1.8k likes on my personal Pinterest account. Only about 5% of them have probably been carried out. Yet, I keep adding pins-I am a hoarder of pins. I have a pin addiction.
I hate that I am not able to turn these wonderful pins into actual products.
Apparently, Pinterest is my fantasy world. Where if time stood still (and I had at least 3 homes to decorate) I would have a perfectly organized, decorated, and spotless home where my children would play with home-made toys and eat new delicious food (well, delicious desserts at least).
Last summer, I went through a pallet phase. I have 61 pins of pallet furniture. Guess how many I have done…..0, yep a big fat 0, zilch, zip, nada, none. I did come close to doing one pallet project-a pallet sign. I got myself a pallet (which was the easiest part of the whole ordeal since it was delivered to our home by a friend) and I tried to take it apart, only to be defeated by the nails holding it together. I was able to pry off only one board (yep you read that right – 1.) after sweating under the hot sun on our patio for at least an hour. Those suckers are on good! I didn’t have 6 more hours to put into the first step of removing the rest of the boards I wanted off. Heaven only knows how long it would have taken to get the whole project finished! So, my poor, 1 board-less pallet sits, leaning against a wall, waiting for me to give it another shot or give up on it totally. So the dream of actual furniture (for adult size people) made out of pallets makes me laugh. Obviously I shouldn’t quit my day job to make custom pallet furniture.
Just so you know (and don’t think I’m a total failure), I have been able to start and finish some easier pins (surprisingly, they actually turned out like they were supposed to even)- decoration ideas, home-made gift ideas, birthday cakes, and activities for school.
But the rest, well, they are in idea jail until I have time (HAHAHAHA!-time- I have children and a job-time, that’s a good one ) or someone else sets them free by re-pinning them. Until then, those innocent ideas are sitting on death row just waiting to be saved.