Does My Social Life Cause Me Pain?


I threw my back out and went to the chiropractor to get some relief. When I was there they asked me about the pain, how it happened and how it affects my daily living. You know, the usual.

I know y’all are wondering, what does this have to do with her social life?Hang with me, I’m getting to that, it’s all related.

As I was saying, they wanted to know how it affected my daily living. So they had me fill out a questionnaire. When I got to the section labeled “Social Life”, I started laughing. (This is where my weird sense of humor like I talked about in my other post, The Torrid Love Affair Happening in My Bathroom, comes into play.)

Here is a photo of the social life section of the questionnaire:


I read the first line and thought, “well, does my social life give me pain?, wait, do I have a normal social life? wait, do I even HAVE a social life?” This is a loaded question folks! I am no longer sure how to answer this one. HA!

Yes, I know this is not what the question is actually asking, but you know my mind and how crazy it likes to be, so I went there.

If you look at it from this perspective-does your social life give you pain, it makes the rest of the options quite sad unfortunately, so we aren’t going to look at those. 😉

Back to the first one: Does my social life give me pain?
Answer: No, I do not believe so. Looking back, I see now, that I used to have some social anxiety. Glad to say, that has significantly decreased and does not hold me back today.

Next part-Is my social life normal?
Answer: Well, what is normal? I have 3 kids and a full time job. Not to mention, I live in rural Minnesota-which is not exactly the social hot spot of world. So going to the local restaurants, an occasional movie, one or two scrapbooking weekends with friends, attending Thirty-One/Tastefully Simple/Tupperware/Pampered Chef parties, throw in a wedding or two, graduation parties and play dates is about as normal of a social life as it gets for this 37 year old here.

So, I guess I do have a social life. It may look a lot different than it was when I was in my 20’s (thank goodness, I am too old for that now- the older I get the earlier my bedtime gets 🙂 ) and I am sure it will continue to change as life goes on, but for now, I am good with what my “normal” social life is and no, it does not cause me pain.


One thought on “Does My Social Life Cause Me Pain?

  1. Mary Hewitt

    Oh I love your twisted sense of humor because that is why we are friends and I know our social life together isn’t all that great because of jobs and where we are but when we do get together we have a blast. . .. and I laugh more at the crazy things that happen to us. . .

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