Unicorn Puke


Like many others, I like to have nice things. Or, at least something new or different every once in a while. You know upgrade, update, etc. But, at this point in my life when looking at new things I have to remind myself, “We can’t have nice things-we have children.”  So decisions for what to buy are based around these key questions: Can it be washed? Will it show dirt, food,…..boogers? (Yes, boogers-this is a question that must be asked, this also applies to clothing for mothers. It doesn’t matter how many Kleenexes you stuff in their pockets and yours, they will inevitably wipe their nose on your shirt, pants whatever you are wearing at their “nose level”)  Is it something that will be easily broken, scratched or destroyed just by looking at it? Will I be able to get stickers off of it? (I despise stickers -and the kids seem to get them from everyone-doctor, dentist, Walmart. And don’t get me started on stickers that have gone through the washer and the dryer on clothing!)

It’s been a tough few days around here for our “things” between stickers on the TV, gymnastics gone wrong in the house and unicorn puke.

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Watch My Corn Pop Up In Rows

When I was younger, I knew I wanted to always live in the country. This was also around the time when Tim McGraw’s song, “Where The Green Grass Grows” was a hit.  This song summed up everything I wanted when I grew up.

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Do you find yourself ever wishing it was “the day”?  You know, the day of a special event, trip, or something else exciting. Or maybe you find yourself wishing about the past-wishing you could go back to a day when your children were younger or maybe wishing your children were a little older, past the stage they are currently in that is driving you crazy.

Sometimes I feel like I am just wishing my life away, always looking for the next “big thing” that is happening in life or just wishing it was past the busy part of the week. Then I feel awful. Realizing I have just wished away the precious time that I have. I need to learn to live more in the moment and not live like each day is a task to be crossed off the to do list. I need to take time to “smell the roses” and to appreciate the time I have with my family and friends.

I realize I need to chill out about the daily routine a little. I probably need to pass on some more of the responsibilities around the house to the kids also. Sometimes I get so frustrated with the kids for just being kids because they are making more work for me to do. You know, like jumping in puddles and getting all wet and dirty. Most people would look at them and think-“oh, what fun they are having. Oh, to be young again!” Me, the first thing that comes to my mind is-“Oh crap! Look at the laundry I have to do now, you know that is going to get tracked into the house, baths before lunch is a must now, etc…” How wrong is that! They are kids, that’s what kids are supposed to do! I know someday I will look back and think, “why did I get so bent out of shape, I wish I had those days back.” The days will come where no one will trash the room I just cleaned. The vacuum lines will stay in the carpet for more than 2 minutes. There won’t be as much laundry. There won’t be food all over the floor after every meal. I will wish there was someone here to leave fingerprints on the glass of the front door and on the windows. I won’t have to hang out in the kitchen or bathroom because it is the last room I cleaned and I want to enjoy it before I go into the living room that was just cleaned but now destroyed again because they decided to play “store” and have drug everything back out and then some. So, yes, I will hang out in the bathroom for a little bit-just looking at the sink and counter top, admiring the toothpaste smear-free view (it’s the little things in life).

I find myself looking at my kids and wondering where the time went, how did they get so big and my baby is certainly not a baby anymore.  Maybe it’s because (as far as we know) we are not having any more children, and I know in the back of my mind that as our youngest grows and ages, this may be the last time I get to do those certain parental tasks/activities with her that one doesn’t need to do when they get older. It is kinda sad.

Don’t get me wrong, I am excited to see where life takes us in the next chapter-past the baby phase. I don’t miss having to planning the day around baby’s feeding schedule,  or nap time, or bed time (we still try to keep this but life doesn’t fall apart if we are late getting there). I don’t miss having to lug that diaper bag everywhere we went. Making sure it was stocked and had everything we may need-it was like getting another member of the family ready to go out the door!

I am liking that when we go places to visit people, I can actually sit down and have conversations (with adults!) while the children play nearby-I don’t need to be the toddler’s shadow -following her around, making sure she is ok and safe.

I am enjoying that they are more independent, yet I am mourning not being needed. (yes, I know I can’t have it both ways) I just wish I would have appreciated it more at the time than sometimes resenting it and wishing they were past that stage.

So, I am going to try to stop wishing our lives away and waiting for the future and I will try to be more present in life and with our family and will try to enjoy or at least appreciate even the trying times in life.

Oh Hell, What’s That Smell?

sticky baby face

I think we have been cursed with the stink.

First, I got a different work car to drive for a few months.  When I got in, I noticed it had a smell that I found less than desirable. It wasn’t just me. When my kids climbed in, they said, “Eww, What stinks?” When I got home I searched the car looking for the culprit- I assumed it was an air freshener that we obviously did not care for. Did not find one anywhere. By this time, I had channeled my inner bloodhound. I was smelling everything in the car.  I was wishing I had my pregnancy nose back – you know, that super power you get when you are growing a tiny human. The one that can be a curse at times too.  I did find a cotton ball under each front seats that had been scented with what I assume was an oil. But that scent did not match the one in the car (yes, I was smelling everything and anything I found left in that car from strangers) . I am thinking the person that had the car before me had this same stinky car issue and tried to fix it that way. So, I too tried this trick (writing this, I see my error-if it obviously didn’t work then, it’s sure to work now). When the heat is on and we are driving for a little bit it smells like what I put on the cotton balls (fresh linen) but it does not stay. Every time I open the door and climb in-the same stink hits me in the face.  So, I may need to break down and buy a real air freshener.

Then, just yesterday, we drove our own vehicle-smelled fine, no problems. When we got home I decided to clean it out-those of you with small mess makers children know they leave a trail of clothing/toys/food/garbage in their wake. So, I took all the clothing, toys, and garbage out and vacuumed it out. Never did I find lost, spilled food (other than the stray cheerios) or beverage-plus no one had eaten in the vehicle. Then, this morning when we got in, there was a sour smell! I searched the vehicle again. Found nothing. What the heck! What is causing this stink?!?

I was  complaining to discussing it with my husband, and he also has a stinky problem. He was working on one of the tractors today and it too started to stink (we do not have livestock, so, no it’s not that ).

I don’t know what is going on, but it stinks. 😉
If you see me and I smell like one of these


you will know why (because my cars are filled with lots of them).

So, besides trying to cover up the smell, anyone have any suggestions on how to get the fresh smell back? Especially since I can’t find the source.

Or, do you have your own smelly story you would like to share? Share it in the comments! 🙂



Why I Do It



Like many of you may experience at times, I sometimes feel like I’m drowning, struggling to keep my head above water. At work, I am juggling report writing, MARSS reporting, data collections, progress reports, evaluations, scheduling meetings, paperwork, scheduling time to see all my students and getting everything done within the timelines. It seems like it never fails that when things are busy, that’s when a handful of referrals come in too.  Then there all the things for life at home-cooking, cleaning, running kids here and there, and trying to spend quality time with the family. I feel like I need one of these head floaty things for babies to keep my head above the water. (So, if you see me walking around with one of these on – without the same calm expression the baby has-but with more of a crazed look in my eyes, you will know I am feeling a bit “swamped” at the moment. 🙂 )

baby floaty

Continue reading “Why I Do It”

My Sucky Friend

suction toolI went to the dentist for my yearly checkup, cleaning and x-rays. Going to the dentist is not one of my “top 10” on my fun things to do list (it actually didn’t make the fun list at all. In fact it ended up on the Things-that-need-to-be-done-that-I -don’t-want-to-do list).

There’s the nervousness of the dentist finding something wrong in there- cavities, gingivitis, receding gums, or something horrible I don’t even know about. It’s just such an intrusive process-working inside your mouth.

Not only do I not get excited for the dentist, but this was my first visit to a new dentist in a new location. My dentist that I have known all my life decided he should retire-can you believe it-the nerve! Obviously he did not ask me my opinion on the matter, or he would still be in business (because, who likes change?).

Luckily, the new guy bought out the old guy’s practice and so the dental hygienist  (and the chair I sat in-ironic right?) were from my old dentist’s practice. So, thankfully not everything was new-baby steps.

Now, I like my hygienist. She is great at her job and makes me feel calm and comfortable.  She is understanding of my annoying gag reflex when taking x-rays. Taking x-rays is difficult for me since I still have my wisdom teeth-they are the only ones that grew is straight so they are staying! Ha!

The part I don’t like is that awful suction tool.  I can’t stand having to put my lips around it to get the water out of my mouth. To me it feels awful. The air tastes funny. It feels like it is sucking the water and the air out and I feel like I can’t breath. I swear it is trying to suck my mouth inside-out. I call it “my sucky little friend”. As I have said in an earlier post, humor is my coping mechanism. I must have had quite the look on my face when she grabbed that thing and brought it toward my mouth. She then graciously offered to just go in a suck out the corners and not make me close my mouth on that torture tool. It was so much better! It didn’t bother me at all.

When the dentist came in to examine my teeth for the first time, he decided to tell me a little bit about himself. He told me he has been a dentist for 10 years-wait-what? Only 10 years!?! Who is this guy-Hermey the elf that wanted to be a dentist from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? My other dentist practiced for over 40 years! Then Hermey the new dentist told me that my old dentist was his mentor for the past 7 years.  Ok, so maybe this will be alright.  At least he didn’t say he was a self-taught dentist. The exam went great, he was very thorough and knowledgeable.

Maybe going to the dentist (and a new one at that) won’t be so bad. I sill have my dental hygienist (and chair) and I have a great new dentist. And, I have my sucky little friend waiting for me there.

(by the way, no cavities or horrible things were found in my mouth-yay for me!)

How about you, going to the dentist-yea or nay?

Does My Social Life Cause Me Pain?


I threw my back out and went to the chiropractor to get some relief. When I was there they asked me about the pain, how it happened and how it affects my daily living. You know, the usual.

I know y’all are wondering, what does this have to do with her social life?Hang with me, I’m getting to that, it’s all related.

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My Pinterest Addiction

thumbtackI have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. Lately, I feel like my Pinterest account is where ideas go to die. It’s a life sentence for many.

I love looking through all the pins and getting excited over some that I can use, want to do, or I think would be great or that look sooo good to eat (I have 186 food pins and I don’t know how many food likes-most of which are desserts or sweets-so you can see where my priorities lie).  I have a total of 1.6k pins and 1.8k likes on my personal Pinterest account. Only about 5% of them have probably been carried out. Yet, I keep adding pins-I am a hoarder of pins. I have a pin addiction.

I hate that I am not able to turn these wonderful pins into actual products.

Apparently, Pinterest is my fantasy world. Where if time stood still (and I had at least 3 homes to decorate) I would have a perfectly organized, decorated, and spotless home where my children would play with home-made toys and eat new delicious food (well, delicious desserts at least).

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What’s For Supper?

15 - 1

I love leftovers. I always try to make enough food so there will be leftovers (if there is enough left for more than 1 extra meal-BONUS!).

Why? you may ask-because it means I don’t need to come up with something new for the family to eat. It’s already there, just needs to be re-heated. Easy-peasy.

Even better, is when I come home and my husband has soup cooking, or has something in the crock pot, or is able to grill for us.

I don’t care what it is, as long as I don’t have to come up with the idea or make it. I am not one that enjoys cooking. I mainly enjoy the “eating” part. I cook for the survival of my family and I not for fun.

Meal planning is something I need to get better at. I often end up playing the “What’s for Supper?” game in front of my refrigerator when I get home from work.  Seeing what is left over and what other ingredients I have on hand to make into a complete meal for 5 and that can be made in time for supper. On weekends, I get to play the game twice!

While I am standing there (cooling off the kitchen with the door open) playing the game, I think to myself, “wouldn’t it be easier to just have a plan for the week?”

Then I come to my senses and think-“If I can’t come up with one meal for now, how am I going to come up with 9 different ones!”

There are even people who plan for the entire month! These people are my heroes. Someday, I am going to sit down and try this.

A while back I came across this from Modern Mommy Madness and felt like she read my mind. (well, except my food isn’t as fancy-it’s more like: meatloaf, spaghetti, Chicken, potatoes and gravy, barbecues, frozen pizza)

meal planning

How about you? Do you plan for the week or play it day by day? Share by commenting below. I’ll take any tips on the matter too. 🙂



She’s A One-Eyed Pig-Oink, Oink!

Humor is my crutch. I turn to it when I am happy, mad, sad, silly, and nervous, especially nervous. I also use it to snap my kids out of a funk.  If they are mad or upset, I start making up a song and they can’t help but laugh at and get in a better mood. Oh, they try to stay mad, but then I point out that I can see they want to smile and they start laughing and join in with me.

One particular song is about my middle child’s piggy bank.

Exhibit A:



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